Adding New Row to the Advanced Table in Programatical way
Step 1: Create sample page
Step 2: Create one Advanced Table in that page
Step 3: Setup the required properties for the page
Step 4: Create on footer for the table, in that create one add table row button
Step 5: Set the below properties to the Add Table Row button
Insert Rows Automatically : False
Step 6: Now in the process Request method add the below code
public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
sampleAMImpl am = (sampleAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
OAAdvancedTableBean tableBean = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AdvancedTableBean1");
System.out.println("Advanced Table Bean id--->"+tableBean);
OATableFooterBean footerBean = (OATableFooterBean)tableBean.getFooter();
System.out.println("TableFooter bean-->"+footerBean);
OAAddTableRowBean addTableRowBean = (OAAddTableRowBean)footerBean.findIndexedChild("addTableRow1");
System.out.println("Add Table Row Bean id----->"+addTableRowBean);
// Add 5 rows everytime add row button is clicked
addTableRowBean.setText("Add 1 Rows");
// Handle add row insertion yourself
addTableRowBean.setAttributeValue(AUTO_INSERTION, Boolean.FALSE);
Step 7: In AMImpl Class write the below Code
public void createInsert1()
OAViewObject vo =getInsertVO1();
if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution())
Step 8: Now in the process Form Request method add the below code
public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
OAAdvancedTableBean tableBean = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AdvancedTableBean1");
System.out.println("Advanced Table Bean id--->"+tableBean);
OATableFooterBean footerBean = (OATableFooterBean)tableBean.getFooter();
System.out.println("TableFooter bean-->"+footerBean);
OAAddTableRowBean addTableRowBean = (OAAddTableRowBean)footerBean.findIndexedChild("addTableRow1");
System.out.println("Add Table Row Bean id----->"+addTableRowBean);
if ((tableBean.getName(pageContext).equals(pageContext.getParameter(SOURCE_PARAM))) && (ADD_ROWS_EVENT.equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM))))
System.out.println("Add Another row is pressed");
sampleAMImpl am = (sampleAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
System.out.println("Action over");
Step 9: In Am Impl Class write the below Code
public void createAnotherRow1()
InsertVOImpl studVo = getInsertVO1();
// StudentDetailsVOImpl studVo = getStudentVO1();
System.out.println(" vo class statement");
InsertVORowImpl studrow = (InsertVORowImpl)studVo.createRow();
System.out.println(" vo row impl statement");
System.out.println("vo.last method");;
System.out.println(" method");
studVo.insertRow(studrow); //'ABC' is HardCod value inserted based on the requirement in this example
System.out.println("insert row method");
System.out.println("current row method");
System.out.println("Initialized method");
Step 10: Now Run the page and check the functionality of Add Another Row.
Step 1: Create sample page
Step 2: Create one Advanced Table in that page
Step 3: Setup the required properties for the page
Step 4: Create on footer for the table, in that create one add table row button
Step 5: Set the below properties to the Add Table Row button
Insert Rows Automatically : False
Step 6: Now in the process Request method add the below code
public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
sampleAMImpl am = (sampleAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
OAAdvancedTableBean tableBean = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AdvancedTableBean1");
System.out.println("Advanced Table Bean id--->"+tableBean);
OATableFooterBean footerBean = (OATableFooterBean)tableBean.getFooter();
System.out.println("TableFooter bean-->"+footerBean);
OAAddTableRowBean addTableRowBean = (OAAddTableRowBean)footerBean.findIndexedChild("addTableRow1");
System.out.println("Add Table Row Bean id----->"+addTableRowBean);
// Add 5 rows everytime add row button is clicked
addTableRowBean.setText("Add 1 Rows");
// Handle add row insertion yourself
addTableRowBean.setAttributeValue(AUTO_INSERTION, Boolean.FALSE);
Step 7: In AMImpl Class write the below Code
public void createInsert1()
OAViewObject vo =getInsertVO1();
if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution())
Step 8: Now in the process Form Request method add the below code
public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
OAAdvancedTableBean tableBean = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AdvancedTableBean1");
System.out.println("Advanced Table Bean id--->"+tableBean);
OATableFooterBean footerBean = (OATableFooterBean)tableBean.getFooter();
System.out.println("TableFooter bean-->"+footerBean);
OAAddTableRowBean addTableRowBean = (OAAddTableRowBean)footerBean.findIndexedChild("addTableRow1");
System.out.println("Add Table Row Bean id----->"+addTableRowBean);
if ((tableBean.getName(pageContext).equals(pageContext.getParameter(SOURCE_PARAM))) && (ADD_ROWS_EVENT.equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM))))
System.out.println("Add Another row is pressed");
sampleAMImpl am = (sampleAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
System.out.println("Action over");
Step 9: In Am Impl Class write the below Code
public void createAnotherRow1()
InsertVOImpl studVo = getInsertVO1();
// StudentDetailsVOImpl studVo = getStudentVO1();
System.out.println(" vo class statement");
InsertVORowImpl studrow = (InsertVORowImpl)studVo.createRow();
System.out.println(" vo row impl statement");
System.out.println("vo.last method");;
System.out.println(" method");
studVo.insertRow(studrow); //'ABC' is HardCod value inserted based on the requirement in this example
System.out.println("insert row method");
System.out.println("current row method");
System.out.println("Initialized method");
Step 10: Now Run the page and check the functionality of Add Another Row.
This is not working yaar am getting error at this place OATableFooterBean footerBean = (OATableFooterBean)tableBean.getFooter(); am getting java.lang.nullpointer excpetion
ReplyDeletePlease check the output for the below statement.
What is printing at this statement in your log window.
System.out.println("TableFooter bean-->"+footerBean);
and make sure that your table footer bean id is not empty.
Advanced Table Bean id--->null
ReplyDeleteHere only am getting null but my VO has data and i have given like this
OAAdvancedTableBean tableBean = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("IpcQuoteInstancesVO1"); this is the VO am using it has data and i want to insert the items in this advanced table yaar.
can you provide me your cell number or mail id plz.
Thank you
Kiran kumar paspulate
Reach me at and +91-9000594282
ReplyDeleteCan you guide if i want to table to automatically insert 1 row after page render. not by manual click add button