Friends, I just inform to you that, the following article is published by mukul's, but even though i want to publish this article for my friends and dearest one's.
Through my OAF page i want to upload the file from local to server.
Step 1: Create the page with two items
a. MessageFileUpload Bean
b. Submit Button.
Step 2: Now write the below logic in the controller class
public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
public void upLoadFile(OAPageContext pageContext,OAWebBean webBean)
System.out.println("Action Performed");
String filePath = pageContext.getProfile("FILE_UPLOAD_PATH");
System.out.println("Default File Path---->"+filePath);
String fileUrl = null;
DataObject fileUploadData = pageContext.getNamedDataObject("FileUploading"); //FileUploading is my MessageFileUpload Bean Id
System.out.println("BeanId is also Not null");
String uFileName = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_NAME"); // include this line
String contentType = (String) fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_MIME_TYPE"); // For Mime Type
System.out.println("User File Name---->"+uFileName);
FileOutputStream output = null;
InputStream input = null;
System.out.println("am In try block---->");
BlobDomain uploadedByteStream = (BlobDomain)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, uFileName);
// File file = new File("/export_home_dev/user/oracle", uFileName); //once you deploy the page uncomment this line and give your server path according to your fish
File file = new File("D:\\santhosh", uFileName); // comment this line once you deploy the page into server
System.out.println("File output---->"+file);
// output = new FileOutputStream("D:\\Kumar"+uFileName);
output = new FileOutputStream(file);
input = uploadedByteStream.getInputStream();
byte abyte0[] = new byte[0x19000];
int i;
while((i = input.read(abyte0)) > 0)
output.write(abyte0, 0, i);
// output.write(uploadedByteStream.getBytes(0,(int)uploadedByteStream.getLength()));
// fileUrl = (String)file;
catch(Exception ex)
throw new OAException(ex.getMessage(), OAException.ERROR);
Step 4: Now Run the page and see the output.
Step 5: Before going to see the output, i will show you, in my local mahcine i don't have file called
"BT_GEOCode_Order_To_Cash.xls" file
Step 6: Now Run the page and Browse the file
Step 7: Now check the Browsed file called "BT_GEOCode_Order_To_Cash.xls" file in the local machine
Note: This application is working in local machine only , because i gave my local path for the saving purpose, so if you want to save the file from local to server, then you need to do the following things
a. First change the local path to server path
b. then deploy the page and related .class and .server files from local to server
c. now run the page in the application not in the local machine(jdeveloper).
Friends, I just inform to you that, the following article is published by mukul's, but even though i want to publish this article for my friends and dearest one's.
Through my OAF page i want to upload the file from local to server.
Step 1: Create the page with two items
a. MessageFileUpload Bean
b. Submit Button.
Step 2: Now write the below logic in the controller class
public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
public void upLoadFile(OAPageContext pageContext,OAWebBean webBean)
System.out.println("Action Performed");
String filePath = pageContext.getProfile("FILE_UPLOAD_PATH");
System.out.println("Default File Path---->"+filePath);
String fileUrl = null;
DataObject fileUploadData = pageContext.getNamedDataObject("FileUploading"); //FileUploading is my MessageFileUpload Bean Id
System.out.println("BeanId is also Not null");
String uFileName = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_NAME"); // include this line
String contentType = (String) fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_MIME_TYPE"); // For Mime Type
System.out.println("User File Name---->"+uFileName);
FileOutputStream output = null;
InputStream input = null;
System.out.println("am In try block---->");
BlobDomain uploadedByteStream = (BlobDomain)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, uFileName);
// File file = new File("/export_home_dev/user/oracle", uFileName); //once you deploy the page uncomment this line and give your server path according to your fish
File file = new File("D:\\santhosh", uFileName); // comment this line once you deploy the page into server
System.out.println("File output---->"+file);
// output = new FileOutputStream("D:\\Kumar"+uFileName);
output = new FileOutputStream(file);
input = uploadedByteStream.getInputStream();
byte abyte0[] = new byte[0x19000];
int i;
while((i = input.read(abyte0)) > 0)
output.write(abyte0, 0, i);
// output.write(uploadedByteStream.getBytes(0,(int)uploadedByteStream.getLength()));
// fileUrl = (String)file;
catch(Exception ex)
throw new OAException(ex.getMessage(), OAException.ERROR);
Step 4: Now Run the page and see the output.
Step 5: Before going to see the output, i will show you, in my local mahcine i don't have file called
"BT_GEOCode_Order_To_Cash.xls" file
Step 6: Now Run the page and Browse the file
Step 7: Now check the Browsed file called "BT_GEOCode_Order_To_Cash.xls" file in the local machine
Note: This application is working in local machine only , because i gave my local path for the saving purpose, so if you want to save the file from local to server, then you need to do the following things
a. First change the local path to server path
b. then deploy the page and related .class and .server files from local to server
c. now run the page in the application not in the local machine(jdeveloper).
Hi Santosh,
ReplyDeleteMy question:
Is this possible to implement this in an advanced table ?
Requirement is that we have an advanced table in which each row has an file upload facility.
We had followed your code but this is not working in case of advanced table.
Thanks in advance.
Very User full post oracleapps4u