Implementing Auto Customizatin Criteria
Using Auto Customization Criteria, we are developing the following page.
Step 1: Create one work space
Step 2: Create a project
Step 3: Create business Component package in .server package.
Step 4: Create Application Module in .server Package
Step 5: Create a page in .webui package and set the mandatory properties.
AM Definition | |
Window Title | Auto Customization Criteria. |
Title (Optional) | Implementing Auto Customization Criteria. |
Step 6: Crete on View Object (VO) in .server package and shuffle to AM.
Step 7: Go to pageLayoutRegion and create a region called Query and set the below properties.
Construction Mode | Auto Customization Criteria |
Include Views Panel | False |
Include Advanced Panel | False |
Step 8: Right Click on Query Region and create a region using wizard, in that select am and select the region style is table.
Step 9: Now again Right Click on QueryRN, select simpleSearchPanel, now automatically region2 (header Region) and region1 (MessageComponentLayout Region) created.
Step 10: now set the following properties to the region2
Id | SimpleSearchHeader |
Text | Simple Search |
Step 11: Now select the region1 and set the below properties
Id | SimpleSearchMappings |
Rows | 2 |
Columns | 1 |
Step 12: Now right click on message Component Layout Region (SimpleSearchMappings) and create two message text input beans and set the below properties to each
Id | SearchSutdNo |
Search Allowed | True |
Data Type | Number |
Maximum Length | |
CSS Class | OraFieldText |
Prompt | Student No |
Id | SearchSutdName |
Search Allowed | True |
Data Type | Varchar2 |
Maximum Length | 100 |
CSS Class | OraFieldText |
Prompt | Student Name |
Step 13: Now Right Click on query Components and create simple Search Mappings. Then automatically SimpleSearchMappings and QueryCriteriaMap1 created.
Step 14: Now select the QueryCriteriaMap1 and set the below properties.
Id | SearchStudNoMap |
SearhItem | SearchSutdNo |
ResultItem | Sno |
Step 15: Now again right click on SimpleSearchMappings àNewàQueryCriteriaMap, and then set the below properties.
Id | SearchStudNameMap |
SearhItem | SearchSutdName |
ResultItem | Sname |
Step 15: Now run the page and check the functionality. Give Student No as 41 and Click on Go button, now you will see the output.
Note: Page XML Structure
Note: If you want LOV for the Student Number and Student Name , change the item style and do the neccessary steps.
Thanks Santosh... This blog is really very helpfull